Tuesday 23 July 2024

One comment on aspects of the treatment of Land Records in India's Annual Budget

 Shruti Devi's note on the Annual Budget on Twitter-now-X 

Here's the text of my Twitter post linked above:

23rd July, 2024: This year, I'll allow the super-experts to comment on various aspects of today's Annual General Budget Speech of India's Finmin. Esp. since my (opposition INC) party's manifesto has been oft'-quoted, I hope my party-people will zoom in and comparatively analyze the proposed details. I will, however, deal with ONE OVERARCHING ASPECT OF THIS YEAR'S BUDGET: LAND RECORDS AND TRANSACTIONS: As for me, I am very, very wary of what the intentions of digitizing and regulating land records in the manner being proposed might lead to, and has to be put under a powerful microscope. I personally think that the need of the hour is to reduce black-money movements in land transactions. In my humble opinion: Every time a government fails to address and deal with the actual issues there, it is an opportunity lost to clean up the system and to even create untold quanta of National Wealth. White money transactions in land deals ought to be incentivised, not victimised. My legal formulation in this respect has always been to inspect the reasons for why a government rate is announced for land (if it's seen as a cap, why/why not, and if it's seen as a minimum support price, various contexts and ground situations...plus, how much of subjective opinion-making do you leave to a registering official at a desk, shouldn't the kind of guidelines I'm talking about be set for such field-level officer? I have at least four points/indicators for each of these discussion-points). I have also been of the view that with emerging technology, the concept of micro-management at the sub-policy level is possible, but with corruption-checking and functioning monitoring mechanisms in place. The present government's manifesto needs to wake up and tackle these ground realities. V. Shruti Devi, 23rd July, 2024 INC Advocate, Supreme Court of India

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